Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Registration and weird dreams, plus hyped on caffeine right now

So, it's almost the end of the semester right? Time sure does fly by really fast. But hey, end of the semester is nearing, so that calls for a big round of WOOHOO! I'm so excited that the semester is ending - for some reason, I'm the world's biggest slacker every spring semester (even though this is only my second spring semester in my college life, but hey, details, details). Anyways, if the end of the semester is nearing, that means registration time! And I think I speak for everyone when I say that registration is the most nerve wracking thing on earth. Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic, but registration is nerve wracking! Both planning your classes and trying to get into them! Well first, you try (well, at least I try, I don't know about anyone else) to plan your classes based on the classes that you need to take, trying to get into some classes with your friends, and seeing if you have (if you're a Bio major - stressful, stressful) at least a tiny amount of social life (most likely though, you'll have none if you're a Bio major). So planning is stressful, then you have to literally stalk your classes on webxpress, watching as spots slowly get taken up before you actually register! Oh gosh dang golly, I'm getting anxious just writing about it (not really over that though, I'm just juiced up with gross amounts of caffeine to prepare myself for an all-nighter)! 
It's whatever now though, cause registration ended earlier this week I think? Eh, I registered last Wednesday morning, so I've been good with my classes for a good week. I got into all the classes I want! Yay! Except some of it is not so "yay" because there is one class that I really had no choice to take. Physics. I don't mind taking Physics, it's just that the Physics class I'm taking next semester is a night class, twice a week. Wait for it. Read that line again. WHO TAKES PHYSICS AT NIGHT FOR TWO HOURS!? I'm going to kill myself in that class for sure. It's gonna be horrible, boring, and I'm just going to die because it's Physics. Really though, there's a bright light somewhere around. Do you know why? Because the 300-level Biochem class I wanted to take got full before I registered (it got filled up on the first day of registration...what!?), and shoot, I really wanted to take that class! So my friend (who also wanted to get into it, but couldn't) and I went to talk the Dr. Roskes (the head of the Chemistry department) and she emailed us last night and gave us permission to take the class even though it's full! I love her, she's so awesome. So one class I'm going to hate infinitely, and one class I'm going to love, forreal. Sounds like a good schedule for next semester!
Okay, okay, on another note, because I just had to share this with everyone. It was just so...odd. Excuse my language, but I had the weirdest ass dream last night. Like, really weird. Okay first of all, in my dream, I was fighting a lot (must be my subconscious telling me that I miss kick boxing). Specifically though, my roommate (one of my close friends) told me to go to her room. When I did, she turned into a monster (like all grrr - I'm still on caffeine by the way...) and I fought her and killed her! I was so horrified, especially in my dream, that I kept fighting things. So freaking weird. And then I woke up. Exactly at 5am because of that stupid dream. I told my roommate about that dream and she just laughed, but man, it was still weird. Ah, dreams. Whatever, hopefully I'll have a better dream tonight. Oh wait, I'm not going to dream tonight because I'm not sleeping! Hah, how ironic....not. Anyways, I'm going now because other homework awaits me!

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