Monday, April 23, 2012


No seriously, just, why? Why do teachers, professors, or whatever they want to be called, load all this crap of work on the last week of school before finals? Don't they know that we're all freaking out about finals and to get a good grade on them!? Why can't we all just review on the last week!? That would be so helpful, forreal. Really, I have an exam in organic chemistry tomorrow, another exam for ecology & evolution on friday (that final is on monday by the way...kill me), a huge journal article for ecology & evolution due this week before thursday, and I have no idea what is going on in animal behavior! I'm just freaking out man, and it's especially worse because at times, I'm not freaking out because I'm a horrible procrastinator and I just don't care. And I just totally realized that didn't make any sense when I typed it, but it makes plenty sense in my head! There is a lot of sense-making going on in my head, but it's just not coming out right because I'm just that freaked out! I want to get a good grade man, seriously. I want a 4.0 this semester, and I haven't gotten that since fall of freshman year! My gpa is going down, and I hate it! If it seriously goes down to an actual 3.6, I'm going to kill myself.
Yes, I am very aware that 3.6 is actually a good gpa, and many people might actually kill me for that gpa, but I'm Asian. Come on now! I need a 4.0 to be happy! And yes, I am also very aware that I am conforming to my stereotype, but you know what!? I don't care! I need a 4.0 dammit! And you know what else!? My nickname in highschool was literally, Asian! Even the other Asian's called me Asian! THAT'S HOW STEREOTYPICAL I AM! I CAN'T HELP IT!
I hope you can all tell that I am indeed stressing out over here. My coffee isn't helping much usually does help me though. On the bright side (a little), no more labs! Well, obviously, since this is the last week of school. If there were labs, I would be flipping some tables. Well, on the brighter side, my finals end on wednesday of next week! Awesome. I'm going to love feeling stress free for those few days after finals. But, I have a feeling I'm going to be even more stressed out over the summer. Why, you ask? Because I'm in a summer research program, doing my own research, and I suck at research, and I'm already freaking out that I'm going to mess everything up, and my poster presentation is just going to be in a big, mighty cloud of suckiness. Yeah, see? This is why I should not procrastinate in anything because all my freaked-out-ness comes out and words that aren't even real words come out and everyone just gets confused because I just keep ranting! But yet, I still procrastinate.

Horrible. Just plain horrible. I should stop.
Maybe I should just drop out of school, ya know? I really want to just be a stay-at-home mommy. But first, I gotta find a guy that actually has a nice, stable job. Yeah. No. That's not going to happen any time soon. So bad. Oh goodness, so bad.
And last night - last night, I had so much time to just do all my homework. But I didn't. Horrible. So horrible. Oh gosh, I'm freaking out even more, and I'm chugging my coffee, and I'm just going to be so hyped up on coffee during class and I'm not going to be paying attention, and then I'm going to fail, and then I'm never going to get into the graduate school that I want to go to. 
Yeah, this is me freaking out. Thank you, and goodbye.

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