Monday, April 23, 2012

Responsibilities, responsibilities

So, I'm finally trying to do my homework and be a responsible student, but I don't think it's working. First of all, I'm doing my laundry too, so I'm trying to put myself on a set time schedule to do my homework. I think it's working. Hopefully it's working. Yeah, it's definitely working.
Maybe, I don't really know. I'm doing this first though, just to, ya know, kind of get it out of the way. Then I have to do my last lab report for chemistry (I'm really aiming for a perfect grade on it!), then I have to study for my chem exam tomorrow (this, I'm seriously aiming for a perfect grade!). See how serious I am? I'm actually studying! Like, really studying, and I never study! It's something all new to me because I really want an A in that class! Seriously, my GPA needs to be amazing so that I can get into grad school. And the grad schools I'm looking at, well, they have high expectations - and I want to fill those expectations. I'm Asian, what do you expect? Anyways, my laundry is almost done so I'm going to try and finish this as soon as I can! So, earlier, I said I didn't have any labs today right? Oh my gosh, I felt so awesome! I got back to my room so early and I definitely did not do anything. Haha, it felt amazing. Then I went to the mall with a couple of friends and we were there for a little bit, my friends bought a couple of things. Hah, I didn't because I'm seriously broke because I definitely do not know how to handle my money correctly. Seriously, I have absolutely no responsibility for my money - although, I should get a lot more responsible with my money because I'm definitely going to be getting money over the summer - and I really need to know how to spend it correctly.
Yeah, so as you can tell, I went through some kind of revelation on my responsibilities. A little bit late innit? On the final week of classes too! It's better late than never right?! Haha, I'ma go now and get my laundry! Later, later!

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