Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Procrastination, schools, and a story

I have a problem with procrastination. Like, bad problem. It's such a bad problem that last week, I pulled two all-nighters because I was too lazy to do my homework when I actually had time. Even today I had a quiz in my Psychology class, and I didn't even study until I was on the shuttle on my way to class. But hey, I'm pretty confident I did well on that quiz - it wasn't hard at all. Oh! And I also have my first exam in my Organic chem class tomorrow...I should start studying for that after I post this. Although, I'm pretty confident on that exam too. 
On another topic, I'm already looking at Veterinarian schools even though I really shouldn't worry about that until I'm in my third year...which is next year, so I guess I'm actually ahead of the game now? Well, first for everything I guess. Anyways, there's this school in London, England that I really want to go to. It's called the Royal Veterinary College and the main reason why I want to go is because it's the only Vet school that offers a "Wild Animal Health" program. I just have to take that program! Especially since I want to be a veterinarian at a zoo! Isn't that program perfect!? If they offered it in the states, I would have been all over that school, but sadly, they don't. The problem with the Royal Veterinary College though, is that it's super expensive for overseas students! Well, that much is obvious - it's around the price of Stevenson University for overseas students, and for actual UK citizens, it's like, $13,000! It's so cheap! Plus, the GPA requirement is a 3.4! That's so low! Besides the price of the school, everything about RVC is perfect!
Maybe I'll just take out a bunch of loans just to go there....
Oh and hey, I have a new favorite short story. Our class actually read it last week. After reading over it a couple of times after class, I really started liking it, a lot. Okay, so the story is "The Hit Man," and I'm really liking it. I really didn't talk in class about it because, to be honest, I saw the structure of the story, and completely skipped over it the night before class. But, after reading it after class, I really came to like it. It's a bit of morbid thought, but does the Hit Man symbolize the Grim Reaper? I mean, huge black hood, killing people, picking up his date in a hearse, the "three-headed dog" when he set the leaves on fire, etc, etc. Eh, whatever he symbolizes, I just really like the story.
This is a bit of a long entry, but I'm going to go now because I kind of have to start studying for my exam tomorrow!

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