Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A lil' intro

'Ello everyone, how are you? 
Well, I suppose I could start off with a little introduction on myself, but I kind of don't really feel like it right now. What I do feel like starting off with is how I'm pulling another "all-nighter" tonight! Just the second week of school too...but I guess sleep is just a sacrifice I gotta make to get good grades. And hey, coffee is like, my new best friend (it's so delicious, but my roomie is starting to accuse me of being a coffee addict which I am vehemently denying...'cause I'm really not, trust me). Oh hey, this little "rant," I guess if you can call it that, just reminded me of a picture that I saw on tumblr (oh my goodness, I love tumblr too, you don't even know)! The picture was really simple, but was so accurate, seriously! It was a triangle; at the top angle, it said "social life," on one of the bottom angles, it said "good grades," and the last angle said "sleep." Right in the middle of the triangle, it had big, fat letters saying "You can only choose two." I guess I chose good grades and social life, because I am going to be seriously sleep deprived tomorrow.
Alrighty, so I just wanted to start off with that because dang, I am going to be drinking so much coffee tomorrow.
Well now, I guess I'll go on with a little introduction with myself (if, really, any of you are still reading...I feel like this is going to be a bit long because my sleep deprived mind just wants to really type everything down and now.)  So hi, again, I'm Michelle, I'm in my second-year at Stevenson, and I'm a biology major. I'm full Filipino (ironically, I've never even been to the Philippines...), I've pretty much been around the whole world (before when plane tickets were just a bit cheaper) and then my dad was finally stationed at Japan. I grew up there and I do know a little Japanese, but I'm not completely fluent (it's also ironic because I know more Japanese than I do Tagalog, which is the Filipino language). By the way, is this font too small? Sorry for that! So, I'ma go now, and I'ma do my Animal Behavior homework (that will ultimately take up my whole night), and I'ma let you guys go for the night.
G'night! (I also like making gifs, so ya know, if you want one, I can make it :D)

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