Monday, April 23, 2012

Responsibilities, responsibilities

So, I'm finally trying to do my homework and be a responsible student, but I don't think it's working. First of all, I'm doing my laundry too, so I'm trying to put myself on a set time schedule to do my homework. I think it's working. Hopefully it's working. Yeah, it's definitely working.
Maybe, I don't really know. I'm doing this first though, just to, ya know, kind of get it out of the way. Then I have to do my last lab report for chemistry (I'm really aiming for a perfect grade on it!), then I have to study for my chem exam tomorrow (this, I'm seriously aiming for a perfect grade!). See how serious I am? I'm actually studying! Like, really studying, and I never study! It's something all new to me because I really want an A in that class! Seriously, my GPA needs to be amazing so that I can get into grad school. And the grad schools I'm looking at, well, they have high expectations - and I want to fill those expectations. I'm Asian, what do you expect? Anyways, my laundry is almost done so I'm going to try and finish this as soon as I can! So, earlier, I said I didn't have any labs today right? Oh my gosh, I felt so awesome! I got back to my room so early and I definitely did not do anything. Haha, it felt amazing. Then I went to the mall with a couple of friends and we were there for a little bit, my friends bought a couple of things. Hah, I didn't because I'm seriously broke because I definitely do not know how to handle my money correctly. Seriously, I have absolutely no responsibility for my money - although, I should get a lot more responsible with my money because I'm definitely going to be getting money over the summer - and I really need to know how to spend it correctly.
Yeah, so as you can tell, I went through some kind of revelation on my responsibilities. A little bit late innit? On the final week of classes too! It's better late than never right?! Haha, I'ma go now and get my laundry! Later, later!


No seriously, just, why? Why do teachers, professors, or whatever they want to be called, load all this crap of work on the last week of school before finals? Don't they know that we're all freaking out about finals and to get a good grade on them!? Why can't we all just review on the last week!? That would be so helpful, forreal. Really, I have an exam in organic chemistry tomorrow, another exam for ecology & evolution on friday (that final is on monday by the way...kill me), a huge journal article for ecology & evolution due this week before thursday, and I have no idea what is going on in animal behavior! I'm just freaking out man, and it's especially worse because at times, I'm not freaking out because I'm a horrible procrastinator and I just don't care. And I just totally realized that didn't make any sense when I typed it, but it makes plenty sense in my head! There is a lot of sense-making going on in my head, but it's just not coming out right because I'm just that freaked out! I want to get a good grade man, seriously. I want a 4.0 this semester, and I haven't gotten that since fall of freshman year! My gpa is going down, and I hate it! If it seriously goes down to an actual 3.6, I'm going to kill myself.
Yes, I am very aware that 3.6 is actually a good gpa, and many people might actually kill me for that gpa, but I'm Asian. Come on now! I need a 4.0 to be happy! And yes, I am also very aware that I am conforming to my stereotype, but you know what!? I don't care! I need a 4.0 dammit! And you know what else!? My nickname in highschool was literally, Asian! Even the other Asian's called me Asian! THAT'S HOW STEREOTYPICAL I AM! I CAN'T HELP IT!
I hope you can all tell that I am indeed stressing out over here. My coffee isn't helping much usually does help me though. On the bright side (a little), no more labs! Well, obviously, since this is the last week of school. If there were labs, I would be flipping some tables. Well, on the brighter side, my finals end on wednesday of next week! Awesome. I'm going to love feeling stress free for those few days after finals. But, I have a feeling I'm going to be even more stressed out over the summer. Why, you ask? Because I'm in a summer research program, doing my own research, and I suck at research, and I'm already freaking out that I'm going to mess everything up, and my poster presentation is just going to be in a big, mighty cloud of suckiness. Yeah, see? This is why I should not procrastinate in anything because all my freaked-out-ness comes out and words that aren't even real words come out and everyone just gets confused because I just keep ranting! But yet, I still procrastinate.

Horrible. Just plain horrible. I should stop.
Maybe I should just drop out of school, ya know? I really want to just be a stay-at-home mommy. But first, I gotta find a guy that actually has a nice, stable job. Yeah. No. That's not going to happen any time soon. So bad. Oh goodness, so bad.
And last night - last night, I had so much time to just do all my homework. But I didn't. Horrible. So horrible. Oh gosh, I'm freaking out even more, and I'm chugging my coffee, and I'm just going to be so hyped up on coffee during class and I'm not going to be paying attention, and then I'm going to fail, and then I'm never going to get into the graduate school that I want to go to. 
Yeah, this is me freaking out. Thank you, and goodbye.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The woes and worries of a procrastinator

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh...this is so bad. I shouldn't even be procrastinating at this moment in the school year! I mean, it's nearin the end, but I'm just being buried in work from biology (BIO-115 and BIO-270) and organic chem! I' seriously not even worried about the other classes, but just from those three classes I already have so much crap due! Gah, so bad. I should just rename my blog "the woes and worries of a procrastinator" because that's seriously all that I rant about on this blog. So bad, oh my gosh. I already had almost no sleep the whole weekend! First, here was Relay for Life that ran from 6PM to 6AM on Friday to Saturday. Yup, lesson learned; next year's Relay for Life, I'm definitely bringing a futon and possibly a gallon of coffee to help keep me up - oh and I should definitely dress up in better clothes that is suitable for walking laps for 12 hours. Yeah, so fridayto Saturday I had no sleep. After Relay for Life though, I did go back to my room and sort for approximately 2 hours. Yeah, only 2 hours because I definitely had some churh stuff to do and I had to be there at 11AM! I could have had more sleep right? Yeah, yeah, no. The place was definitely an hour away, so I had to leave at 10AM, however, it takes me about 45 minutes to get ready so I woke up at 9! Yeah, so a little over 2 hours of sleep and I was back up and on the road that Saturday. After the church thing, I definitely passed out in my car while my mom drove my car to the mall (my dad was driving their car, following us), and that was roughly about an hour and a half. Noo sleep whatsoever that Saturday, but the movie my parents and I watched woke me up a little. It was a pretty good movie (it was Lockout by the way). Anyways, I finally got back to my room a little before 10PM and subsequently passed out from exhaustion. Yeah so, definitely no homework done on Friday and Saturday. At all. Sunday, on the other hand, I was definitely better rested, but I still definitely did not do any homework, even though I had plenty of time to do so. The reason? Don't judge me alright (I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter), but Pottermore was finally released to everyone and I was definitely doing that all day Sunday! Oh gosh, I got so excited when I was placed in Slytherin too! Holy crap, it's official, I jut took my dorkiness to a whole new level. Who gets excited over being placed in a fictional house in a fictional group from a fictional story? This girl, that's who! Yeah, so I did that all Sunday, and did. It even stop until midnight. But, the student in me thought, "hey, I have a little bit of time left, lemme do some homework!" So at midnight, I attempted to do homework again. You would think that after being so sleep deprived the whole weekend, I would just be more focused on sleep. Nope, not the case, because I just could not fall asleep! Anyways, I tried to do my homework, but of course that just wouldn't work out for me; my suitemate (I love her, I really do) decided to bring in her drama to my room. She called our friend who has had a crush on her since he first met her and they were just talking the whole night! I couldn't really concentrate on homework, so I just listened to their conversation until they finally stopped talking a little before 2AM and hell no was I doing homework at that time, so I just went to sleep. Honestly, I've never met someone who has procrastinated more than me. So bad, oh my gosh. Anyways, I gotta go now and actually pay attention in class. Until next time! 

P.S. I wrote all this on my iPod, so any errors in grammar and spelling or anything that doesn't make sense, I sincerely apologize :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Registration and weird dreams, plus hyped on caffeine right now

So, it's almost the end of the semester right? Time sure does fly by really fast. But hey, end of the semester is nearing, so that calls for a big round of WOOHOO! I'm so excited that the semester is ending - for some reason, I'm the world's biggest slacker every spring semester (even though this is only my second spring semester in my college life, but hey, details, details). Anyways, if the end of the semester is nearing, that means registration time! And I think I speak for everyone when I say that registration is the most nerve wracking thing on earth. Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic, but registration is nerve wracking! Both planning your classes and trying to get into them! Well first, you try (well, at least I try, I don't know about anyone else) to plan your classes based on the classes that you need to take, trying to get into some classes with your friends, and seeing if you have (if you're a Bio major - stressful, stressful) at least a tiny amount of social life (most likely though, you'll have none if you're a Bio major). So planning is stressful, then you have to literally stalk your classes on webxpress, watching as spots slowly get taken up before you actually register! Oh gosh dang golly, I'm getting anxious just writing about it (not really over that though, I'm just juiced up with gross amounts of caffeine to prepare myself for an all-nighter)! 
It's whatever now though, cause registration ended earlier this week I think? Eh, I registered last Wednesday morning, so I've been good with my classes for a good week. I got into all the classes I want! Yay! Except some of it is not so "yay" because there is one class that I really had no choice to take. Physics. I don't mind taking Physics, it's just that the Physics class I'm taking next semester is a night class, twice a week. Wait for it. Read that line again. WHO TAKES PHYSICS AT NIGHT FOR TWO HOURS!? I'm going to kill myself in that class for sure. It's gonna be horrible, boring, and I'm just going to die because it's Physics. Really though, there's a bright light somewhere around. Do you know why? Because the 300-level Biochem class I wanted to take got full before I registered (it got filled up on the first day of registration...what!?), and shoot, I really wanted to take that class! So my friend (who also wanted to get into it, but couldn't) and I went to talk the Dr. Roskes (the head of the Chemistry department) and she emailed us last night and gave us permission to take the class even though it's full! I love her, she's so awesome. So one class I'm going to hate infinitely, and one class I'm going to love, forreal. Sounds like a good schedule for next semester!
Okay, okay, on another note, because I just had to share this with everyone. It was just so...odd. Excuse my language, but I had the weirdest ass dream last night. Like, really weird. Okay first of all, in my dream, I was fighting a lot (must be my subconscious telling me that I miss kick boxing). Specifically though, my roommate (one of my close friends) told me to go to her room. When I did, she turned into a monster (like all grrr - I'm still on caffeine by the way...) and I fought her and killed her! I was so horrified, especially in my dream, that I kept fighting things. So freaking weird. And then I woke up. Exactly at 5am because of that stupid dream. I told my roommate about that dream and she just laughed, but man, it was still weird. Ah, dreams. Whatever, hopefully I'll have a better dream tonight. Oh wait, I'm not going to dream tonight because I'm not sleeping! Hah, how ironic....not. Anyways, I'm going now because other homework awaits me!