Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Temper, temper

I have a horrible temper. Really, I can be fine one moment, then the next; I’m ready to flip tables. It’s so bad how short my temper is, like, really bad. I don’t even care how I look like in public when my temper explodes because that’s how angry I am. Okay, I’m not really that into my appearance, but I do take care to at least look civil in public. Of course, cursing up a storm and threatening harm to anyone who pushes my buttons wrong is definitely not civil. Oh, definitely not. I used to control my temper a lot better, ya know? It was when I was back home and I took kickboxing twice a week. I let out all my aggression there. When I didn’t want to spend any more money on kickboxing classes, I got a punching bag and a speed bag. Then, that’s how I let out my aggression. After my punching bag became less dense and hard, I went to the gym on the Naval base. Luckily for me, there was a punching bag and a speed bag! So I went to the gym almost every day just to let go of my aggression. Of course, this was back home, at St. Mary’s County, almost 2 hours away. Yeah, I definitely cannot drive 2 hours just to let out my aggression. When I first went to the gym last school year, I thought that there would be a speed bag and punching bag. Unfortunately, there wasn’t. So I let out my aggression in martial arts classes that I paid for (expensive too! So I stopped going). This school year, with the new fitness center, I was hoping that there would be a punching and speed bag. Unfortunately, there isn’t. By the way, does anyone know how I can request some equipment? If I can even request equipment, haha. Anyways, this whole rant about aggression is because of the stupid idiot that works at Pandini’s! He’s a new worker and he’s absolutely, totally incompetent! Every time I go to Pandini’s, it literally takes over 30 minutes to get my food. Okay, okay, I can be a bit patient if I want to, but what really irks me is the fact that people come in after me, but get their food before I get mine! It’s so infuriating! Not to mention the fact that tonight, they ran out of boxes, so they put my freaking food on a tiny ass little plate. What the hell?! Really?!
See, you guys can see my temper coming out a little. Trust me, it was a lot worse earlier. A lot worse. Anyways, I’m going to go now. More homework awaits me!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Assumptions, awkwardness, and humor

I think assumptions are stupid. Downright ignorantly stupid. Don't ever assume things about someone because hey, if you assume, it makes an "ass out of u and me," so please, don't assume. Alright, I'm going to admit, that I have assumed certain things about people, but only in my head. I don't voice out my assumptions because, yes, it can be insulting and offend some people. Ugh, I just really hate it when people assume things! When people assume, ignorant things come out of their mouth and it's (excuse my language, I usually don't curse) stupid as shit. So please, if you're assuming things of anyone, keep it to yourselves. 
So sorry that I this post is a rant about assumptions. Someone assumed something about me (oh my freaking goodness, I've never even talked to them) and it just irked me to no end. Oh wow, I cursed too. I rarely curse, so if I do, you know it's serious. Really, someone can have whatever opinions they have of me, but if you assume, you're thinking that whatever you're saying is a fact. Seriously, I just hate it when people assume. 
Anyways, onto a much lighter, albeit kind of weird, topic. I tutor biology-113 and chemistry-115 right? Anyways, one of the girls I tutor in bio-113 is in my psych class! Oh my gosh, it doesn't sound awkward, but it kind of is! Like, I'm already teaching her something, but I being taught something with her in a different class! It's like a teacher and a student being in the same class together - oh em goodness, it's just weird and kind of awkward. Trust me. Oh, oh, oh! There's this also awkward (but way in the more creepy side of things) situation going on in my bio-115 class. Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, swear if he starts anything with me, I'm going to punch him in the face (alright, I can't actually reach his face, but my kicks are deadly...). I don't really want to say what the situation is, but just know that it is very, very creepy, and I am thoroughly creeped out. Seriously.
And now, onto a much, much lighter note! Have any of you guys seen the Wild Thornberry's when you were little? If you haven't, you seriously have to watch it now, it's a classic cartoon! And if you have, remember Nigel Thornberry? (For those who haven't seen it, Nigel Thornberry is the dad of the main character!) Well, my friends and I were going through tumblr (the best blog site out there, I highly recommend everyone getting one, just saying) and there are these gifs just popping up out of no where! (gifs are literally moving pictures :D) And these gifs are of Nigel Thornberry's face on other people! Oh my gosh, it doesn't sound hilarious, but it's freaking hilarious. In fact, before I go, here's a gif: 
Oh gosh, I can't stop laughing. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh. I'm just going to go now before I put more up.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

At it's finest: Asian procrastination

Oh my gosh. Oh my goodness. Oh dear lord, I just realized I did not put a new post last week. Wow, sorry, forgive me? I'm always so inconsistent with blogs and keeping up with them. It's a horrible habit, and I really should get rid of it. It's just that every time I tell myself I'm going to do something, it somehow leaves my mind. Swear I have ADD. I am diagnosing myself - completely normal. Actually, that just reminds me of something my friend Janice said to me. She actually called me a "paradox," although I don't think that's the right word to describe myself. Haha, she said that it was because I'm an adrenaline junkie but yet I'm so small. I love listening to hard core metal and hard core rap and I'm also somehow miraculously passing my classes despite the fact that I'm such a horrible procrastinator. She said that it's kind of weird (in a good way, she said) that I'm a little aggressive, but I'm so in love with animals and cutesy things. I don't know, I called her weird for calling me a paradox. 
It's a bit funny because just seven days ago, I told myself that I wasn't going to procrastinate any longer. But here I am, one week late on a blog post and preparing myself to fix up my lab notebook for my organic chemistry II lab tomorrow. Oh yeah, I also gotta finish my Animal Behavior notes due on Tuesday...oh! And I also have a quiz tomorrow morning that I really should study for. I'll study for it later. Promise
Okay, reading through this, I just realized how relaxed I am with school. Seriously, I'm not taking any of this seriously, and I really should. That's bad. That's very bad. Alright, starting tomorrow, I'm definitely going to start taking school a lot more seriously. Maybe my procrastinating will stop. Oh gosh, I wish. Ya know, I tried doing some homework earlier, but I ended up falling asleep in the  middle of it, despite the fact I had more than enough hours of sleep the night before. /Seriously, I knocked out last night! My friends and I went to Tysons Corner mall yesterday (oh my gosh, did I mention how much I love driving in the snow?) and we came back on campus around 8:30 or 9:00PM? Sometime around then...either way, we came back around that time, and I just laid down on my bed and KNOCKED OUT! Seriously, I didn't wake up until 6:30 this morning. It was a good sleep. Like, really good sleep. It was nice. 
Anyways, expect another post this week in an attempt to make up for a post-less last week, so bye-byes!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Procrastination, schools, and a story

I have a problem with procrastination. Like, bad problem. It's such a bad problem that last week, I pulled two all-nighters because I was too lazy to do my homework when I actually had time. Even today I had a quiz in my Psychology class, and I didn't even study until I was on the shuttle on my way to class. But hey, I'm pretty confident I did well on that quiz - it wasn't hard at all. Oh! And I also have my first exam in my Organic chem class tomorrow...I should start studying for that after I post this. Although, I'm pretty confident on that exam too. 
On another topic, I'm already looking at Veterinarian schools even though I really shouldn't worry about that until I'm in my third year...which is next year, so I guess I'm actually ahead of the game now? Well, first for everything I guess. Anyways, there's this school in London, England that I really want to go to. It's called the Royal Veterinary College and the main reason why I want to go is because it's the only Vet school that offers a "Wild Animal Health" program. I just have to take that program! Especially since I want to be a veterinarian at a zoo! Isn't that program perfect!? If they offered it in the states, I would have been all over that school, but sadly, they don't. The problem with the Royal Veterinary College though, is that it's super expensive for overseas students! Well, that much is obvious - it's around the price of Stevenson University for overseas students, and for actual UK citizens, it's like, $13,000! It's so cheap! Plus, the GPA requirement is a 3.4! That's so low! Besides the price of the school, everything about RVC is perfect!
Maybe I'll just take out a bunch of loans just to go there....
Oh and hey, I have a new favorite short story. Our class actually read it last week. After reading over it a couple of times after class, I really started liking it, a lot. Okay, so the story is "The Hit Man," and I'm really liking it. I really didn't talk in class about it because, to be honest, I saw the structure of the story, and completely skipped over it the night before class. But, after reading it after class, I really came to like it. It's a bit of morbid thought, but does the Hit Man symbolize the Grim Reaper? I mean, huge black hood, killing people, picking up his date in a hearse, the "three-headed dog" when he set the leaves on fire, etc, etc. Eh, whatever he symbolizes, I just really like the story.
This is a bit of a long entry, but I'm going to go now because I kind of have to start studying for my exam tomorrow!